About Liquor Liability


 I want to be able to serve for anyone and everyone who contacts me. Certain venues demand that bartenders have liquor liability insurance in order to pour at their facility. I have those venues listed below and will try to keep the list up to date.

 I have scoured the globe in an attempt to secure affordable liquor liability insurance. It is possible, in some cases, that you, or whomever is renting one of these facilities, might want to look into purchasing 'private event insurance' (a one day, one event, insurance policy). Particularly if you are going to cater your own event. Private event insurance clauses always include 'Host Liquor Liability', which then would allow me to pour.

 "Why should I bother with that added expense?", you ask. Simple mathematics suggests that the insurance policy runs about $100, a humble bartender (such as myself), $25 an hour, the self-catered food and liquor, at cost. Hence, a 5 hour event would run $225 + the cost of food and liquor. Caterers and other self-insured businesses will charge you $80-150 per hour, per server.  

 I don't have liquor liability insurance and in some cases, simply won't be able to pour at certain venues. I do not link or promote the current private event insurance company on my web site due to the ever-changing process of seeking out the lowest cost carrier. Contact me and I will pass along the best that I have uncovered (so far...). Of course, always check with your venue regarding the specifics of their liquor policies.

 Venues Requiring Liquor Liability Insurance:
Broadway Center for the Performing Arts
Fife Community Center
King Oscar Convention Center
Pierce County Environmental Services Building
Steilacoom Town Hall
Truitt Building

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